☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.

Pandemic of Civilization

Ratan Ghosh (Indian Poet)

Ph. D. Research Scholar

Madurai Kamaraj University

Madurai, India

My sun sleeps no more...

An uncanny fear enchained me within the closing door  

The four walls often  kiss me to bid farewell...

They better know where I am going very soon to dwell

If I die now, none will be here me to bury 

Dead!  dead! dead! and  dead making  all  scary!  

My broken heart pines at this rude destiny of earth 

When my near and  dear ones are  afraid to be my part 

No more I can see the noisy crowded paths 

Where I used to see the dancing anger, greed and wraths 

All things turned futile by an invisible viral blow 

Powerful and powerless of the helpless have lost all glow 

I am  now standing in a self made queue 

Only hoping to survive from this pandemic  flue 

The wealth smiles, beauty smiles and  the  smiling of  lust, anger, greed , arrogance, attachment, egos and  jealousy

The western setting sun felt, the life is nothing but a strange fallacy.