S. Mohan
Ph. D. Research Scholar
Department of English
School of Social Sciences and Languages
Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
is a trailblazing novel by J.M Coetzee. The novel sets in the background of the
post-apartheid situation. The novel opens up the sequences of power change,
subversion and sublimation in the life of David Lurie. The novel depicts the
white minority also. It presents the sombre impression of post-apartheid
Africa. The power switchover in the life and character of Lurie is visible in
the novel’s progress. Stiffness is a moral weakness of Lurie’s character. He
never succeeds in his attempt to get rid of sensual dilemma and acquire a power
of self-control. But towards the end, his stiff and rough nature was swapped
into pity, humility and acceptance. The present study aimed to investigate the
subversion of power in the novel Disgrace. In the novel, the protagonist
David Lurie spent his time with animals and with animalistic thoughts. All the
attempts of Lurie failed and he remains frustrated. Change of power affected
his life. Lurie hates the subversion of power in his personal life and in the
nation. He felt that he lost his power in the new post-apartheid situation. He
lost his job, position, power, pride and lust. Lurie hardly acknowledges the
change of power but slowly he accepts the change. Lurie finally attains
complete renouncement and capitulation.
Keywords: Power, Change, Lust, Power Thirst, Time,
Post-apartheid Situation
novel Disgrace (1999) falls into the post-apartheid literature genre.
The novel won Booker Prize and many honours to the novelist John Maxwell
Coetzee. The novel popularly applauded and criticised both for its reality and
honesty. The novel was written around 1995 after the new constitution was
passed in the South African parliament. The novel was written in the third
person narrative. Gallagher opines that the novel is a “respond to the
oppressive practices that have pervaded South African life for hundreds of
years” (Gallagher, 1991) The novel’s protagonist and the narrator David Lurie
dominate the novel’s point of view. Coetzee vehemently adopted the technique of
free indirect discourse to access the thoughts, passion, desires and discourse
of David Lurie. The novel further explores the dynamics of power, changing
equation and subversion in the country and in the individual relationships. The
political power subversion is obvious in the novel. The white people lost their
supremacy and the black people slowly emerged into power. The novel also
presented the identity and existential crisis. “A critique of various modes of
writing” (Dovey, 1988) The central narrative of the novel carried out with the
perspective of a fifty-two years old English Professor, David Lurie. He got
divorced twice. He associates with the University of Cape Town. David Lurie
experienced the power subversion in his life. Lurie teaches communication to
the pupil who is unwilling. It indicates the bleak of the power of English in
the South African post-apartheid situation. There are many such incidents in
the novel marked the change of power throughout the novel.
South African post-apartheid situation made a great impact on the Cape Town
University. Parry registers that “a writing practice that diverts and disperses
the engagement with political conditions it also inscribes, while
remaining…‘ethically saturated’” (Parry, 1993) Many classical and modern
language classrooms were closed because of the change of power in the country.
It also affects Lurie who was a professor of Modern Languages. He feels it as a
degradation to teach communication skills to the pupils who are lack in the
passion for learning. He felt that the productive period of his literary life
was gone. In the professorship career, he published three books. The books are Boito
and the Faust Legend: the Genesis of Mefistofele, The Vision of Richard
of St. Victor and Wordsworth and the Burden of the Past. But the
books are not successful. It gains poor reception and applause. These books
reflect the personality of David Lurie. Lurie couldn’t bear the African
post-apartheid situation. He felt sulk and loss of power. Lurie because of the
sulkiness never creates any impact on the pupil through his teaching. He does
the job without passion and hates to be a teacher. Ironically he corrects the
assignments, dictates and annotates without teaching or learns anything. He is
much reluctant to go with the African post-apartheid situation and power
subversion. The black people now got the power to rule. The change of power is
an intolerable thing for Lurie because he lost his former power and position.
Along with that, he lost his control and power in his personal life also. As a
communication teacher, he failed to communicate successfully with the students.
This change over of power and control in the personal and official life
collapsed him. Most of his communications are turned to be monologues.
the novel, the character of Lurie spent his most time with animals (dogs) and
with the animalistic thoughts. All the attempts of Lurie got failed and so he
remains frustrated. The change in power affected his life entirely. Lurie
considered that he is a failure person in life. He got poor reception and money
for the books that he has written. He was alienated both inside his life and in
the University. He wants to be a normal family man with a wife and home. But
his character, attitude towards sex turns his life unattractive. At the
beginning of the novel itself, Lurie’s personality was explored by the
novelist. Lurie is a man of cold nature, self-centric attitude and
dispassionate in living. It was Soroya a prostitute describes the nature of
Lurie as a quiet, docile and complaining person. Lurie used to visit her at the
weekends. Soroya stops him at a point when she felt bitter with the temperament
of Lurie “...his temperament is not going to change, he is too old for that.
His temperament is a fixed set” (Coetzee, 2). Lurie’s temperament and attitude towards
sex are intense. It was compared with that of snakes. He never wants to have a
reciprocate love. Instead, he tries to quench his carnal lust and power. Lurie
developed many illicit affairs as a way to exercise his power and lust. He beds
with Soroya and also tries to invade into her personal life. Soroya avoids his
invasion completely. Disappointed Lurie struggles to satiate is desire and
supremacy hunger by illegitimate affairs. But he failed in his attempts and
will of power. The command knob transformation of Lurie is evident in the
novel’s progress. Towards the end, the stiff and rough nature of Lurie was
changed into pity, humility and acceptance.
Lurie’s confidence over his power was checked by the feeling of becoming old.
At a point, he wants to settle in a marital life but it turns to a dream for
him. From his childhood, David Lurie was surrounded by women. In later life, he
was associated with the mistresses and got labelled as a womaniser. He is very
confident in dealing with women. He led a lustful life. As soon as he felt he
is becoming old his power belief slowly vanished off. But that power subversion feel remains no
longer. He met the secretary of his department and slowly conquered her for his
power lust. The novelist utilised the secretary to explain the post-apartheid
condition. In her casual remarks, she talked about the drug dealers who are
roaming in the grounds to catch the young boys. She said it is difficult for
her to bring up her young son in such condition. This remark pointed out the
changes happened due to the change of power in the country. David Lurie himself
struggles between the power changes. His life is attached to the failures. He
is unable to digest the swing in the power and adjust to that. He tries to control
his sexual desire and his power of control will not prolong. His sexual
encounters turned his condition much pathetic. He wants to quench his lust
through forced sexual contacts at least. He compelled Melanie Issac a student
for his coital lust. The attempt also turned against Lurie.
is a moral weakness of Lurie’s character. He never succeeds in his attempt to
get rid of sensual dilemma and acquire a self-controlling power. He even thinks
of castration and finally finds it is impossible for him to be in his control.
Sexual encounters are the part and parcel of his life. He eventually failed and
drowned at his lust. The statement is proved in the case of Melanie Issac. She
is a black girl around thirty years younger than Lurie, who is interested in
stage art and design. Melanie already got her diploma in theatre arts and
pursuing a course in the Cape Town University. Lurie accidentally meets her in
his way back home. He intentionally invites her for a drink at his home. His
power quest slowly dominates him and he seduced her. Lurie has a good sense of
convincing language. He rationalises his lust desire by quoting that “...a
woman’s beauty doesn’t belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings
into the world. She has a duty to share it” (Coetzee, 16). The mind of Lurie
often insists him that Melanie is like his daughter Lucy and he tries to
control the lust. But his mind power swings down and he encountered by the
lust. Coetzee had drawn the character of Lurie as like as a fox and the Melanie’s
as a rabbit. “...not rape, not quite that, but undesired...like a rabbit when
the jaws of the fox close on its neck” (Coetzee, 55). The image of the fox and the rabbit
symbolises power and innocence. The power clutches of the fox feasted the innocence
of the rabbit. Animal-human symbolism shows the identity of David Lurie in the
new prototype of power in South Africa. He neither goes with the new power nor
able to attain his former power and position.
lust hunt of Lurie over Melanie stops at a point when he was warned by a young
black man. The power pride of white Lurie was checked by the black young man.
This indirectly indicates the change of power. In the classroom, another
incident shows the power subversion. David Lurie in a classroom talks about
Byron in related to the poetry of Byron. The students have a poor literary
background. And so they remain silent and were unable to appreciate the poem.
Lurie was disappointed by this thing. The novelist here draws a parallel
between Lurie and Byron. Lurie blames the subversion of power in the nation. It
completely disappointed him. He felt that he lost his power in the new
post-apartheid situation. In addition to these events, a few other teaching
experiences of Lurie pinpointed the swing of power. Lurie teaches Wordsworth,
the poet who emphasise the events of the past. Lurie carries a longing attitude
about the past apartheid situation and white power. It is a burden in his mind
which continues throughout the novel. Lurie talks about Lucifer to explain a
poem. The image of Lucifer juxtaposes with Lurie. Lucifer is an angel who
violates the law and protest for his belief and power. He faced failure in his
attempt. Likewise, Lurie struggles to attain power over him and his lust. He
failed again and again. Lucifer himself was the reason for his dishonour and
pain. Lurie does shameful activities and earns disgrace to him. Coetzee made a
genuine and uncompromising characterisation of Lurie. He utilised the following
statement to explore the personality of David Lurie. Lurie talks about Lucifer
as “...with whom there is something constitutionally wrong, on contrary, we are
invited to understand and sympathise” (Coetzee, 33) the statement clearly
explores the personality of Lurie.
and Lucifer both are alike in terms of time and power. Both failed to
understand the dynamic nature of power. Both failed to adjust to the changing
time. Both understood their powers and skilfully used them to attain their
targets. The targets of Lurie and Lucifer are mostly innocent. They prey
innocence. Lucifer prefers solitude; in his speech, at the new land (the hell)
he quoted that it is better to be a ruler alone in that land of fire than to
serve at heaven. Exactly this is the state of Lurie who is all alone throughout
the novel. Lurie and Lucifer received the consequences for their dreadful act
in the search of power. The quest to power tatters their living condition.
Lurie faced the consequences for the seduction of Melanie. She reluctantly
stopped her studies. Her letter of withdrawal found in Lurie’s letterbox.
Melanie’s father pointed out the reason for the withdrawal is that the
university is ‘a nest of vipers’. His daughter may not be safe and so he never
sends her again to the university. It was clear that Mr.Issac denotes Lurie as
‘viper’. The word literally denotes a venomous snake. Again Lucifer and Lurie
share a similarity. Lucifer took the shape of a serpent to spoil the mind of
eve. Lurie acted like a viper to prey Melanie. The power quest of Lucifer and Lurie
forced them to take the steps to pollute others. Both received the subversion
of power as a result of their ill-will. Melanie filled a complaint against
Lurie. Eventually, he lost his job. The power and the image of Lurie as a
Professor of Cape Town crumble and dilapidated. The complaint against Lurie
drastically changed his power and position in the university. He seeks the
assistance of a lawyer. The lawyer suggested Lurie should go for a compromise
and settlement. Lurie never thinks about the compromise. He knew that he lost
his image in the campus. Followed by this the campus organised an event in
relevance to the rape awareness week. Lurie finds a pamphlet at his door. The
pamphlet contains a message, it addresses him as Casanova. This incident slightly
shook the mind of Lurie. He further feels desperate in the comments of his
ex-wife Rosalind. Lurie’s daughter Lucy was born to Lurie and Rosalind.
Rosalind mocks him for his affair and the consequences. She accused him that
his act is shameful, which never deserves any sympathy. Her talk indirectly
pointed out the subversion of power in Africa. The African National Congress
attains authority and so it is a tough period for the white people. David Lurie
internally felt hard about this change. This new change in the power is totally
unfavourable to Lurie. Rosalind marks the end of the White rule and the end of
Lurie’s unethical activities and profession as an ‘inglorious end’. Rosalind
underlines the age of Lurie. She notified that the age is fit for a person to
receive respect and honour. But Lurie defames himself. She slaughters the
pride, personal power thirst and lust of Lurie in her talk. Lurie initially
offended but later he handles it casually in his natural way. He never bothers
her comments.
incidents that followed by the complaint of Melanie is totally against Lurie. A
disciplinary committee comprises of the three senior faculties and a
representative from students formed to enquire the complaint. The formed
committee is the representation of the newly formed government in Africa. The
committee members are the black African senior professors of the university.
Lurie immediately understood the situation and power change over. The charge
against Lurie is that he gave marks and attendance to Melanie who never
attended classes or submits any assignments. Lurie’s nature and his
pre-apartheid brought up stops him to explain or persuade his cause. He hates
the power change and he never wants to disown his pride before the committee.
The committee is ready to do some favour for Lurie. But Lurie never gives a
chance or space to them. Lurie is completely aware that his responses bring him
the loss of the job. But still, he stands with the rigidness. The committee
disappointed at the reckless responses of Lurie. He never feels sorry,
remorseful and regrets his shame. The sceptical views, tough nature and
indifference towards the power subversion earned him dishonour. Lurie was
surrounded by the students. They raised many questions. Lurie simply evades them.
Lurie was compared with a beast in this juncture. The novel’s description
described the event as “They circle around him like hunters who have cornered a
strange beast and do not know how to finish it off” (Coetzee, 56). The
situation is completely against Lurie. Coetzee explores the changeover of power
in Lurie’s characterisation. Initially, Lurie was marked as a fox which
cornered the innocent preys. Now Lurie stands like a cornered beast before the
students. Lurie questions pupil in the classroom. Now they question him and
show their anger at him. This incident is a peek of the complete change of
power in the novel.
newspaper ridicules David Lurie. He never repents and never accepts his fault.
A few people insist Lurie apologise and regret to save his image at least to an
extent. David Lurie never thinks his act as a sin. He indirectly noted that the
beauty of Melanie is not her own. It should be shared and he had his share.
Lurie’s attitude towards women is obvious in his statement. He considers women
as a thing which comes under the power of men. Men can dominate women as they
possess power. This rationale view and supremacy thought never allows him to
think the sexual exploitation as a mistake. Further, he replies a person who
asks him to regret is “Repentance is neither here nor there. Repentance belongs
to another world, to another universe of discourse” (Coetzee, 58). He maintained an arrogance and superiority in
many places like his affair with Soroya and Melanie, at the committee and at
the interview of students. He never accepts the guilt. Both Melanie and Soroya
are black. Lurie explored them for his sexual desire. It is also a kind of
racial discrimination. As an English professor, he considered himself as
superior to that of black Melanie and Soroya. Lurie never listens to the voice
of the black Africans. His pride and racial supremacy restrict him from remorse
and repentance. His power thirst and lust drive him to a disgraceful way of
Lurie went to visit Lucy and her farm. He shifts his abode to that countryside.
In this phase, Lurie’s sequences are associated with the animals. For instance,
Lucy and Lurie open up a conversation in their walk. Lucy took the three dogs
along with them for the walking. Lucy was aware of the complaint of Melanie.
She asked about the incident. Lurie explained her hesitantly. Lurie carefully
replied that the girl was bullied by her lover to lodge a complaint against
him. Lurie never wants to diminish himself before his daughter Lucy. Lucy introduces Bev Shaw the black lady who
runs an animal refugee form and a pet clinic. The meeting of Bev Shaw and Lurie
is surrounded by the animals. Lurie was warded off with the smell of cat
excretion and dust. This incident is an evidence for the transformation of
power. In the pre-apartheid situation, the animal welfare league is active. But
the present change in government power shows less attention to animal
protection. Bev Shaw with the help of volunteers runs the pet clinic. Bev Shaw
in her talk with Lurie highlighted the situation and dejected status of
animals. The hint given by her is there is hardly financial assistance is
available in the newly formed Africa. David Lurie is not interested in the talk
of Bev Shaw. Lucy clearly understood the disinterest of Lurie. David dislikes
Bev Shaw’s idea of sharing human privileges with the animals. Animals do not
have higher aims in life. The life of the animals and the humans are entirely
different in the view of Lurie.
rural environment and the countryside never affect or made any change in the
nature of Lurie. Lucy suggests Lurie that he can help Petrus in the farm or can
assist Bev Shaw in her clinic. Lurie prefers to help Bev Shaw. He informed Lucy
that he will not be altered from his nature and Pride. “I will do it. But only
as long as I do not have to become a better person. I am not prepared to be
reformed. I want to go on being myself” (Coetzee, 770). Lucy assured him that
no one asks him to change. He can live as his will. David enters into an old dog’s
cage and lay there for a while. Lucy got surprised by this. Lucy explores the
status of dogs in the new country. After the change in the centre of power, the
dogs disowned their former position. The dogs once treated as higher livings
but now it is degraded and treated just like non-living things. This incident
is a glimpse of a change of power and situation. Lurie tries to fix himself in
the position of dogs. He feels pity or a sort of feel close to those animals.
Lucy asked him a question about whether it is good for him to stay there and
engage in the jobs available there. This question put Lurie into a self-enquiry
about his position and power. He is clear that the scandal and the disgrace
follow him even he got a new job in a new university. Lurie enjoyed the
position and power as a professor of English in a university. He never thinks
to fix himself in a position less than that of his former position. Moreover,
he knew that he cannot command respect, without respect the job would be
obscure. “I am no longer marketable. The scandal will follow me, stick to me.
No, if I took a job it would have to be as something obscure, like a ledger
clerk, if they still have them, or a kennel attendant” (Coetzee, 88).
incident of power subversion is found in the novel. The interaction of Lurie
and Petrus is the evident thing for the change. Petrus is the neighbour of
Lucy. He helps Lucy in her vegetable form. Once Petrus and Lurie watched a
football match on the television. The commentary of the match is in the African
language. Lurie doesn’t understand the commentary. So, he turns the volume
down. Petrus wants to enjoy the match with the commentary. He turned the volume
up. The language preference of Lurie and Petrus is evidence for the change in
power. The regional language preference of Petrus and the commentary is a
symbolism of the denial of English. The remote button is a symbolic
representation of power. The new switchover of power in the nation heavily
affects the status of the English language. The English commentary is now in
the marginal status. The English language commentary is replaced by the
regional languages. The new African ruling authority and independence tend to
change the position and status of English.
novel foreshadows the dilemma of white people in the post-apartheid African
condition. The novelist presented the law and order status, land and economic
rationalisation. The novelist explored the marginality. The marginal status of
the animals is explored through David Lurie who has a close connection with
animals. Both human and animals suffer humiliation. “The industrial,
mechanical, chemical, hormonal and genetic violence to which man has been
submitting animal life for the past two centuries” (Derrida, 395). The quote
from Derrida clearly pointed out the sufferings of human and animals. Lurie is
paralleled with animals in the novel Disgrace. He is surrounded by the
animals which are abandoned, fading and dead animals. The expression of the
novel is not possible without animals. In the novel flow, Lurie lost his power,
identity and self-respect. He internally and externally experienced the power
subversion. The novel travels in the trajectory of power. The track of the
novel holds the issues of identity, race, gender and dignity. Sublimation of
power in the Lurie’s profile explores a complex dimension of power in
post-apartheid Africa. The novel closely investigates the central character.
Lurie hardly accepts the change of power but slowly he accepts the change. He
lost his job, position, power, pride and lust. Lurie finally attains a complete
renouncement and capitulation.
Coetzee J.M. Disgrace. Secker & Warburg, London.
1999. Print.
Derrida, Jacques. “The Animal That Therefore
I am”. Trans. David Wills. Critical inquiry winter. p. 380, 2002.
Dovey, Teresa. The novels of J. M. Coetzee:
Lacanian allegories. Craighall: Ad. Donker. 1988.
Gallagher, Susan Van Zanten. A story of
South Africa: J. M. Coetzee’s fiction in context. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Univ. Press. 1991.
Parry, Benita. Speech and silence in the
fictions of J. M. Coetzee. New Formations, 21, 120. 1993.