Gopi Kottoor is an award-winning poet. Gopi
Kottoor's poems have appeared in International journals as Ariel, Plaza,
Nth Position, Arabesques, Mud season Review, Chairoscuro , New
England Review, New English Review, Toronto Review, Verse,
Orbis, and in India, in The Illustrated Weekly of India, Chandrabhaga,
Lipi, Opinion, Quest, New Quest, Kavi, Indian Literature, Debonair,
Femina, Kavya Bharati , among others. Among Gopi Kottoor's notable prizes
for poetry are the All India Poetry Competition Prize, and the British
Council- All India Special Jury poetry prize. Gopi Kottoor was
invitee as State Guest to read at the University of Vienna, and toured
and read his poems across Europe with his German translator and was
resident poet at the University of Augsburg,Germany. He attended the MFA
in Texas State University, in 2000 on a Texas State University scholarship. His
poems have been included in anthologies such as Bloodaxe, Verse,
Seattle, Special Issue on Contemporary Indian Poetry in English, Fulcrum,
19 Poets, 99 Poets, Selected translations of Sonnets of Shakespeare,
Golden Jubilee Indian Verse among others. He founded the poetry journal
‘Poetry Chain'. His latest book of poetry, The Painter of Evenings, recently
appeared from Paperwall Media.