☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.

Old Fool


Old Fool

Kuli Kohli (India)


I met an old Punjabi man in India,

who behaved like a crazy king,

he thought he had the Midas touch,

but his touch meant not a thing.


He talked rubbish day and night,

like filthy old broken records;

he forced and tormented people

with his evil eyes like swords.


He stood over his loved ones

like a snake ready to strike.

Everyone had to live under

his command - a pedal on a bike.


He beat the kids, screamed at women

and argued violently with men.

Everyone waited patiently for his death,

as he played his awful game over again.


Even death itself seemed to be afraid

of the old fool; a vanity of trivia.

But for now, he still lives like a god,

a dictator – in the Punjab, India.