‘V’, ‘W’, ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ Alphabets Beginning Same Letters / Group of Same
Letters in the Different Words of English Language Carry Different
Pronunciations: An Illustrative Study
Dr. Uttam Balu
Ph. D.
Maharashtra, India
Keywords: accomplishment; aid; aspects; explain;
present research article elaborates the ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘W’, ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ alphabets
beginning same letters / group of same letters in the different words of
English language having different pronunciations. The same letters / group of
same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘U’ in the different words of English
language, having different pronunciations, are 01 in number which is: u. The
same letters / group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘V’ in the
different words of English language, having different pronunciations, are 06 in
numbers which are: va, ve, vi, via, vo and vu. The same letters / group of same
letters beginning with the alphabet ‘W’ in the different words of English
language, having different pronunciations, are 13 in numbers which are: wa, we,
wea, wha, whe, whi, who, whoo, wi, wo, wou, wra and wri. The same letters /
group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘X’ in the different words of
English language, having different pronunciations, are 07 in numbers which are:
xa, xce, xe, xhi, xi, xo and xu. The same letters / group of same letters
beginning with the alphabet ‘Y’ in the different words of English language,
having different pronunciations, are 04 in numbers which are: ya, yea, yo and
you. The same letters / group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘Z’ in
the different words of English language, having different pronunciations, are
05 in numbers which are: za, ze, zea, zo and zoo. The same letters / group of
same letters beginning with the select alphabets of ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘W’, ‘X’, ‘Y’ and
‘Z’ in the different words of English language, having different
pronunciations, have been tabulated with examples including words and phonetic
‘U’ and Details
same letters / group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘U’ in the
different words of English language, having different pronunciations, are 01 in
number which is brought in notice, with examples including words and
phonetic transcriptions, as follows:
Table-1: Details of the Alphabet ‘U’
with Examples
S. N. |
Letters / Group of Same Letters |
Pronunciations |
Examples |
Words |
Phonetic Transcriptions |
1 |
u |
/juː/ |
Ubiquitous |
/juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ |
/ʌ/ |
Udder |
/ˈʌdə(r)/ |
/ju/ |
Unite |
/juˈnaɪt/ |
/ə/ |
Until |
/ənˈtɪl/ |
/jʊə/ |
Uranus |
/ˈjʊərənəs/ |
Alphabet ‘V’ and
The same letters /
group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘V’ in the different words of
English language, having different pronunciations, are 06 in numbers which are brought
in notice,
with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions, as follows:
Table-2: Details of the Alphabet ‘V’
with Examples
S. N. |
Letters / Groupof Same Letters |
Pronunciations |
Examples |
Words |
Phonetic Transcriptions |
1 |
va |
/vɑː/ |
Advantage |
/ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ |
/və/ |
Advantageous |
/ˌædvənˈteɪdʒəs/ |
/veɪ/ |
Conservationist |
/ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃənɪst/ |
/və/ |
Conservatism |
/kənˈsɜːvətɪzəm/ |
/vɑː/ |
Cultivar |
/ˈkʌltɪvɑː(r)/ |
/veɪ/ |
Cultivate |
/ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ |
/veɪ/ |
Derivation |
/ˌderɪˈveɪʃn/ |
/və/ |
Derivative |
/dɪˈrɪvətɪv/ |
/væ/ |
Devalue |
/ˌdɪːˈvæljuː/ |
/və/ |
Devastate |
/ˈdevəsteɪt/ |
/veɪ/ |
Evade |
/ɪˈveɪd/ |
/væ/ |
Evaluate |
/ɪˈvæljueɪt/ |
/veɪ/ |
Innovate |
/ˈɪnəveɪt/ |
/və/ |
Innovative |
/ˈɪnəvətɪv/ |
/veɪ/ |
Invade |
/ɪnˈveɪd/ |
/væ/ |
Invalid |
/ˈɪnvælɪd/ |
/və/ |
Invalid |
/ˈɪnvəlɪd/ |
/veə/ |
Invariable |
/ɪnˈveəriəbl/ |
/və/ |
Observant |
/əbˈzɜːvənt/ |
/veɪ/ |
Observation |
/ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn/ |
/və/ |
Ovary |
/ˈəʊvəri/ |
/veɪ/ |
Ovation |
/əʊˈveɪʃn/ |
/və/ |
Private |
/ˈpraɪvət/ |
/vɪ/ |
Privatize |
/ˈpraɪvɪtaɪz/ |
/vɪ/ |
Salvage |
/ˈsælvɪdʒ/ |
/veɪ/ |
Salvation |
/sælˈveɪʃn/ |
/vɪ/ |
Savage |
/ˈsævɪdʒ/ |
/væ/ |
Savannah |
/səˈvænə/ |
/veɪ/ |
Vacant |
/veɪˈkənt/ |
/və/ |
Vacation |
/vəˈkeɪʃn/ |
/væ/ |
Vacillate |
/ˈvæsəleɪt/ |
/vɑː/ |
point |
pɔɪnt/ |
/veə/ |
Variant |
/ˈveəriənt/ |
/veɪ/ |
Vivacious |
/vɪˈveɪʃəs/ |
/və/ |
voce |
ˈvəʊtʃi/ |
2 |
ve |
/ve/ |
Adventurous |
/ədˈventʃərəs/ |
/vɜː/ |
Adverb |
/ˈædvɜːb/ |
/və/ |
Adversary |
/ˈædvəsəri/ |
/ve/ |
Avenge |
/əˈvendʒ/ |
/və/ |
Avenue |
/ˈævənjuː/ |
/vɜː/ |
Averse |
/əˈvɜːs/ |
/v/ |
Caveman |
/ˈkeɪvmæn/ |
/və/ |
Cavern |
/ˈkævən/ |
/ve/ |
Convection |
/kənˈvekʃn/ |
/viː/ |
Convene |
/kənˈviːn/ |
/və/ |
Convent |
/ˈkɒnvənt/ |
/vɜː/ |
Converge |
/kənˈvɜːdʒ/ |
/v/ |
Cove |
/kəʊv/ |
/və/ |
Covenant |
/ˈkʌvənənt/ |
/v/ |
Deserve |
/dɪˈzɜːv/ |
/vɪ/ |
Deservedly |
/dɪˈzɜːvɪdli/ |
/ve/ |
Envelop |
/ɪnˈveləp/ |
/və/ |
Envelope |
/ˈenvələʊp/ |
/v/ |
Evenly |
/ˈiːvnli/ |
/ve/ |
Event |
/ɪˈvent/ |
/və/ |
Ever |
/ˈevə(r)/ |
/ve/ |
Inventive |
/ɪnˈventɪv/ |
/və/ |
Inventory |
/ˈɪnvəntri/ |
/v/ |
Liven |
/ˈlaɪvn/ |
/və/ |
Liver |
/ˈlɪvə(r)/ |
/v/ |
Novelty |
/ˈnɒvlti/ |
/ve/ |
November |
/nəʊˈvembə(r)/ |
/və/ |
Revelation |
/ˌrevəˈleɪʃn/ |
/ve/ |
Revenge |
/rɪˈvendʒ/ |
/vɪə/ |
Revere |
/rɪˈvɪə(r)/ |
/və/ |
River |
/ˈrɪvə(r)/ |
/vɪ/ |
Rivet |
/ˈrɪvɪt/ |
/v/ |
Several |
/ˈsevrəl/ |
/vɪə/ |
Severe |
/sɪˈvɪə(r)/ |
/v/ |
Unreserved |
/ˌʌnrɪˈzɜːvd/ |
/vɪ/ |
Unreservedly |
/ˌʌnrɪˈzɜːvɪdli/ |
/ve/ |
Veg |
/vedʒ/ |
/viː/ |
Vegan |
/ˈviːɡən/ |
/və/ |
Veneer |
/vəˈnɪə(r)/ |
/vɜː/ |
Verb |
/vɜːb/ |
3 |
vi |
/vɪ/ |
Activist |
ˈæktɪvɪst |
/və/ |
Activity |
ækˈtɪvəti |
/vɪ/ |
Civic |
/ˈsɪvɪk/ |
/v/ |
Civil |
/ˈsɪvl/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Device |
/dɪˈvaɪs/ |
/v/ |
Devil |
/ˈdevl/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Divide |
/dɪˈvaɪd/ |
/vɪ/ |
Dividend |
/ˈdɪvɪdend/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Environmentalist |
/ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst/ |
/vɪ/ |
Envisage |
/ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ/ |
/vɪ/ |
Evict |
/ɪˈvɪkt/ |
/vɪ/ |
Evidence |
/ˈevɪdəns/ |
/vɪ/ |
Gravitational |
/ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl/ |
/və/ |
Gravity |
/ˈɡrævəti/ |
/vɪ/ |
Invitation |
/ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Invite |
/ɪnˈvaɪt/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Provided |
/prəˈvaɪdɪd/ |
/vɪ/ |
Province |
/ˈprɒvɪns/ |
/va/ |
Revise |
/rɪˈvaɪz/ |
/vɪ/ |
Revision |
/rɪˈvɪʒn/ |
/vɪ/ |
Servicewoman |
/ˈsɜːvɪswʊmən/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Servile |
/ˈsɜːvaɪl/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Televise |
/ˈtelɪvaɪz/ |
/vɪ/ |
Television |
/ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ |
/vaɪ/ |
Vibrant |
/ˈvaɪbrənt/ |
/vɪ/ |
Vicar |
/ˈvɪkə(r)/ |
/və/ |
Vicinity |
/vəˈsɪnəti/ |
/vɜː/ |
Virgin |
/ˈvɜːdʒɪn/ |
4 |
via |
/viə/ |
Deviant |
/ˈdiːviənt/ |
/vieɪ/ |
Deviate |
/ˈdiːvieɪt/ |
5 |
vo |
/vɔ/ |
Devoid |
/dɪˈvɔɪd/ |
/və / |
Devolution |
/ |
/vəʊ/ |
Devote |
/dɪˈvəʊt/ |
/vɒ/ |
Evocative |
/ɪˈvɒkətɪv/ |
/və/ |
Evoke |
/ɪˈvəʊk/ |
/vɒ/ |
Frivolity |
/frɪˈvɒləti/ |
/və/ |
Frivolous |
/ˈfrɪvələs/ |
/və/ |
Provocation |
/ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn/ |
/vɒ/ |
Provocative |
/prəˈvɒkətɪv/ |
/və/ |
Vocabulary |
/vəˈkæbjələri/ |
/vəʊ/ |
Vocal |
/ˈvəʊkl/ |
/vɒ/ |
Vocative |
/ˈvɒkətiv/ |
6 |
vu |
/vjuː/ |
Ovule |
/ˈɒvjuːl/ |
/və/ |
Ovum |
/ˈəʊvəm/ |
Alphabet ‘W’ and
The same letters /
group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘W’ in the different words of
English language, having different pronunciations, are 13 in numbers which are brought
in notice,
with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions, as follows:
Table-3: Details of the Alphabet ‘W’
with Examples
S. N. |
Letters / Group of Same Letters |
Pronunciations |
Examples |
Words |
Phonetic Transcriptions |
1 |
wa |
/wɔː/ |
Award |
/əˈwɔːd/ |
/weə/ |
Aware |
/əˈweə(r)/ |
/wə/ |
Backwards |
/ˈbækwədz/ |
/wɒ/ |
Backwash |
/ˈbækwɒʃ/ |
/wɒ/ |
Brainwash |
/ˈbreɪnwɒʃ/ |
/weɪ/ |
Brainwave |
/ˈbreɪnweɪv/ |
/wæ/ |
Wacky |
/ˈwæki/ |
/wɒ/ |
Wad |
/wɒd/ |
/weɪ/ |
Wade |
/weɪd/ |
/weə/ |
Wary |
/ˈweəri/ |
/wə/ |
Was |
/wəz/ |
2 |
we |
/wiː/ |
We |
/wiː/ |
/we/ |
Web |
/web/ |
/wə/ |
Were |
/wə(r)/ |
3 |
wea |
/wiː/ |
Weak |
/wiːk/ |
/we/ |
Wealth |
/welθ/ |
/weə/ |
Wear |
/weə(r)/ |
/wɪə/ |
Weary |
/ˈwɪəri/ |
4 |
wha |
/wæ/ |
Whack |
/wæk/ |
/weɪ/ |
Whale |
/weɪl/ |
/wɔː/ |
Wharf |
/wɔːf/ |
5 |
whe |
/we/ |
Whenever |
/wenˈevə(r)/ |
/weə/ |
Where |
/weə(r)/ |
6 |
whi |
/wɪ/ |
Which |
/wɪtʃ/ |
/waɪ/ |
While |
/waɪl/ |
/wɜː/ |
Whirl |
/wɜːl/ |
7 |
who |
/huː/ |
Who |
/huː/ |
/həʊ/ |
Whole |
/həʊl/ |
8 |
whoo |
/huː/ |
cough |
kɒf/ |
/wʊ/ |
Whoops |
/wʊps/ |
9 |
wi |
/waɪ/ |
Midwife |
/ˈmɪdwaɪf/ |
/wɪ/ |
Midwifery |
/ˌmɪdˈwɪfəri/ |
/wɪ/ |
Wicker |
/ˈwɪkə(r)/ |
/waɪ/ |
Wide |
/waɪd/ |
/waɪə/ |
Wiry |
/ˈwaɪəri/ |
10 |
wo |
/wɒ/ |
Wobble |
/ˈwɒbl/ |
/wə/ |
Woe |
/wəʊ/ |
/wʊ/ |
Wolf |
/wʊlf/ |
/wɜː/ |
Work |
/wɜːk/ |
/wʌ/ |
Worried |
/ˈwʌrid/ |
11 |
wou |
/wə/ |
Would |
/wəd/ |
/wuː/ |
Wound |
/wuːnd/ |
12 |
wra |
/ræ/ |
Wrap |
/ræp/ |
/rɒ/ |
Wrath |
/rɒθ/ |
13 |
wri |
/rɪ/ |
Writ |
/rɪt/ |
/raɪ/ |
Write |
/raɪt/ |
Alphabet ‘X’ and Details
The same letters /
group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘X’ in the different words of
English language, having different pronunciations, are 07 in numbers which are brought
in notice,
with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions, as follows:
Table-4: Details of the Alphabet ‘X’
with Examples
S. N. |
Letters / Group of Same Letters |
Pronunciations |
Examples |
Words |
Phonetic Transcriptions |
1 |
xa |
/zæ/ |
Exaggerate |
/ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt/ |
/zɔː/ |
Exalt |
/ɪɡˈzɔːlt/ |
/zɑː/ |
Example |
/ɪɡˈzɑːmpl/ |
/ksə/ |
Taxable |
/ˈtæksəbl/ |
/kseɪ/ |
Taxation |
/tækˈseɪʃn/ |
2 |
xce |
/ksə/ |
Excellence |
/ˈeksələns/ |
/kse/ |
Excess |
/ˈekses/ |
3 |
xe |
/kjuː/ |
Executioner |
/ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃənə(r)/ |
/ɡze/ |
Executive |
/ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/ |
/ksə/ |
Exercise |
/ˈeksəsaɪz/ |
/ɡzɜː/ |
Exert |
/ɪɡˈzɜːt/ |
/ziː/ |
Xenon |
/ˈziːnɒn/ |
/ze/ |
Xenophobia |
/ˌzenəˈfəʊbiə/ |
/zɪə/ |
Xerox |
/ˈzɪərɒks/ |
4 |
xhi |
/ɡzɪ/ |
Exhibit |
/ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ |
/ksɪ/ |
Exhibition |
/ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ |
5 |
xi |
/ksaɪ/ |
Exile |
/ˈeksaɪl/ |
/ɡzɪ/ |
Exist |
/ɪɡˈzɪst/ |
/ksɪ/ |
Exit |
/ˈeksɪt/ |
/ksə/ |
Flexible |
/ˈfleksəbl/ |
/ksi/ |
Flexitime |
/ˈfleksitaɪm/ |
/ksa/ |
Oxide |
/ˈɒksaɪd/ |
/ksɪ/ |
Oxidize |
/ˈɒksɪdaɪz/ |
6 |
xo |
/ksə/ |
Exofficio |
/ˌeks əˈfɪʃiəʊ/ |
/ɡzɒ/ |
Exonerate |
/ɪɡˈzɒnəreɪt/ |
/ksɔː/ |
Exorcism |
/ˈeksɔːsɪzəm/ |
/ksəʊ/ |
Exoskeleton |
/ˈeksəʊskelɪtn/ |
7 |
xu |
/ɡʒʊə/ |
Luxurious |
/ |
/kʃə/ |
Luxury |
/ˈlʌkʃəri/ |
Alphabet ‘Y’ and
The same letters /
group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘Y’ in the different words of
English language, having different pronunciations, are 04 in numbers which are brought
in notice,
with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions, as follows:
Table-5: Details of the Alphabet ‘Y’
with Examples
S. N. |
Letters / Group of Same Letters |
Pronunciations |
Examples |
Words |
Phonetic Transcriptions |
1 |
ya |
/jɒ/ |
Yacht |
/jɒt/ |
/jæ/ |
Yak |
/jæk/ |
/jɑː/ |
Yard |
/jɑːd/ |
2 |
yea |
/je/ |
Yeah |
/jeə/ |
/jɪə/ |
Year |
/jɪə(r)/ |
/jɜː/ |
Yearn |
/jɜːn/ |
3 |
yo |
/jəʊ/ |
Yo |
/jəʊ/ |
/jɒ/ |
Yob |
/jɒb/ |
4 |
you |
/jə/ |
You |
/jə/ |
/jʌ/ |
Young |
/jʌŋ/ |
/jɔː/ |
Yours |
/jɔːz/ |
Alphabet ‘Z’ and
The same letters /
group of same letters beginning with the alphabet ‘Z’ in the different words of
English language, having different pronunciations, are 05 in numbers which are brought
in notice,
with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions, as follows:
Table-6: Details of the Alphabet ‘Z’
with Examples
S. N. |
Letters / Group of Same Letters |
Pronunciations |
Examples |
Words |
Phonetic Transcriptions |
1 |
za |
/zeɪ/ |
Zany |
/ˈzeɪni/ |
/zæ/ |
Zap |
/zæp/ |
2 |
ze |
/ze/ |
Zenith |
/ˈzenɪθ/ |
/zɪə/ |
Zero |
/ˈzɪərəʊ/ |
3 |
zea |
/ziː/ |
Zeal |
/ziːl/ |
/ze/ |
Zealous |
/ˈzeləs/ |
4 |
zo |
/z/ |
Horizon |
/həˈraɪzn/ |
/zɒ/ |
Horizontal |
/ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl/ |
5 |
zoo |
/zuː/ |
Zoo |
/zuː/ |
/zəʊɒ/ |
Zoology |
/zəʊˈɒlədʒi/ |
The above aspects
explain the study of same letters / group of same letters beginning with the
alphabets ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘W’, ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ in the different words of English
language having different pronunciations which will aid to have accomplishment
in the select subject of analysis.
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