☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.

Dr. Ratnesh Baranwal (Author) Creative Flight Journal

Dr. Ratnesh Baranwal has been working permanently as an Assistant Professor in English, in K.N.I.P.S.S., Sultanpur (U.P.)-228118 since 09th March, 2019 to till date. He has also been approved as the Ph. D. Supervisor in English by Dr. R.M.L.A.U., Ayodhya, Faizabad (U.P.). He has already attended 3 international and 16 national English conferences and also successfully got 19 research-papers published in the pear-reviewed international and national journals and also 4 research-papers published as book-chapters with ISBN No. During the session 2019-2020, he was also assignments with U.P.R.T.O.U., Fafamau, Prayagraj, Allahabad to prepare the study-material for the P.G. students of English in 5 units in the 1st phase and 7 units in the 2nd phase. Apart from it, he also successfully pursued his F.I.P./ Orientation Course from University of Lucknow, Lucknow (01-27 March, 2021).