☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.




-       Zvonko Taneski (North Macedonia)

I wanted to write you a poem –
to strip you of all the metaphors, metonyms and epithets,
so that you be the naked truth,
official and recognized by the authorities
as a conclusive proof in self-defence

I wanted to write you a message
to describe you descending towards me
with a collected look,
without looking round
in case you’re being followed by anyone
untamable or indecent

I wanted to write you an e-mail,
to arise in your virtual tenderness,
and spend the ’ntire night lonesome in front of a running monitor –
so that my eyes don’t burn out in the dark –
before they get to see you in person
after a longer while

I wanted to write you a letter,
to reward you with mercy
so that you have it in reserve or in surplus
whenever you forget to smile
when greeting

I wanted to write but I’ve changed the plan.
So I further continue to want.

(Translated by JovanaStojkovska)

