S. Nithya Devi is an Assistant
Professor (SG), Department of English, and currently working in Dr. N. G. P.
Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She has fourteen years of
teaching expertise. Her area of specialization is Literature and English
Language Teaching. She is pursuing her Doctoral degree on ELT under Anna
University. To her commendation, she has cleared UGC- NET in 2019. She has
successfully guided five M. Phil scholars. She has published seven research
articles in International Journals and also six articles appeared in book with
ISSN number. Besides, published two books. Presented 25 papers in varied
International, National and State level Conferences and seminars. Participated
in 42 International and National level Conferences, Seminars, workshops and
FDPs. Chaired a session on National Conference on Recent Discourses on Language
and Literature- 2019, Dr. N.G.P. Arts
and Science College, Coimbatore, She has also acted as an Invited Speaker on a
Six day virtual Faculty Development Programme on Phonetics and Phonology. Endeavored as a Speaker in the World Record
event titled “Longest Virtual Event on Vision 2030; Importance of Enhancing
Life Skills for Reaching Higher Heights” Organized by Center for Capacity
Building Programmes for School teachers, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education
University, Chennai along with Assist World Records, Research Foundation in
2021. She has taken up Teaching Knowledge Test (Modules 1, 2 & 3:
scored BAND 3- Each Module), conducted by Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
She upholds professional body membership in English Language Teachers'
Association of India (ELTAI).