Paribesh O Nitibidya by Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty
Reviewed by
Piyali Ghosh
State Aided College
Teacher, Category-1
Department of
Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya
West Bengal, India
Paribesh O Nitibidya | Educational Book | Nirmalya Narayan
West Bengal State
Book Board, pp. 150
At the very outset of my review I need to state that this book is a
compendium of environment ethics and relevant issues with possible solutions.
The writer has shown a rare insight and in–depth analysis on the subject of the
environment and relevant issues from all possible angles and placed detailed
In the 1st chapter of the book writer has discussed about the
origin or source of applied and environment ethics which is very well depicted
at the beginning of 1st paragraph. The writer has drafted that every
consistent theory has two aspects. The first is theoretical and 2nd
one is applied. But I believe that theoretical framework is a study which is
based on existing theories. It attempts to gather knowledge about a phenomenon
or idea where conclusions may not have any immediate or instant real world
application. The applied framework tackles a ‘Real World’ question and attempts
to solve practical problems. So in this context, I am with the opinion that
every consistent theory doesn’t have two aspects. We are aware that some topics
of metaphysics has no practical framework-there is no practical implementation
in real life because we don’t find any reasonable way of thinking and so it has
reduced its importance day by day. But antagonistic to the above it is highly
important to all those who believe in Metaphysics firmly. So my point is that
every existent theory has no two aspects as it is not possible to explain some
topics of Metaphysics with application.
Going forward within the first chapter of the
captioned book, we can see that how aptly the writer has elaborated the source
of applied ethics and its expansion. The writer has shown the union of
Sociology, Science, Philosophy and Economics. According to the writer
Philosophy doesn’t solely discusses about the environment but different
branches like Sociology, Science and Economics have also reflected concerns and
connections with the environment. In this way writer has represented the
connections, links and collaborations of the above mentioned different branches
about the theory of Environment Science.
In the 3rd chapter of the book there is an explanation about the
land ethics and how does the relation between land and man comes under ethical
periphery? It is really appreciable that the periphery of ethics has
drastically enhanced to a limit that Earth, Water, Trees, Animals have been
included under its boundary. The writer has also mentioned about the land
ethics of “Leopold”.
As a reviewer I can’t stop myself to
appreciate that the writer has enlightened the importance of well established
connection or relation between land and man and the same has priority over the
need of economical and business aspects. It is also described that we cannot
establish the relation between land and ethics without love, respect and value
based education towards land. In modern days the value based education about
land ethics can solve many disputes of our society. So the writer has projected
that land ethics can give a ray of light to enlighten the darkness of our
The 10th line from the 1st
paragraph of the 7th chapter, the writer has drawn an image that environment is generous and the same
has been transformed in nature. But the idea of environment is not at all
generous in nature because it’s conservative indeed and hasn’t turned out
different from time to time. We can’t think nature will be chased under any
mastery. The idea of environment is a transformation of dual structure which is
made of both conservative and progressive traits. That’s why in spite of having
conservative nature progressive intention rays out from it. We can never ever
suppress it and the same develops gradually.
It is really appreciable that how logically
the writer has articulated a connection between women and nature, which is
called Ecofeminism. The term ‘Ecofeminism’ is used to describe a feminist
approach for understanding Ecology. In the book the writer has drawn our
attention towards the basic feminist tenets of equality between genders, a
revaluing of non-patriarchal or nonlinear structures, and a view of the world
that respects organic processes, holistic connections, and the merits of
intuition and collaboration. His notion about Ecofeminism adds both commitment
to the environment and an awareness of the associations made between women and
nature. Specifically, this philosophy emphasizes the ways both nature and women
are treated by patriarchal or male centred society. The ideas brought out by
the writer reflect about his developmental strategies towards society for its
In the 10th chapter the writer wants to say about the future
generation and the responsibility of present generation towards future
generation and the environmental conservation for future genesis. It is really
appreciable that the writer has given importance to the existence of future
generation and for that the present generation has some responsibilities and
obligations. And here I want to mention the importance of environmental
conservation which is comparable to umbrella. It signifies anything we do to protect
our planet and conserve its natural resources so that every living thing can
have an improved quality of life .So the discussion about environmental
conservation makes the book rare and valuable. It describes a person as a
writer who has forward progressive notions and ideas and he thinks about the
upcoming future episodes of our earth and civilisation.
As a reviewer I want to mark out one thing
that writer has brought the notion that the present generation has some
responsibilities towards future generation. But the writer didn’t mention which
or what type of responsibilities will be taken by the present generation. If we
draw an analogy with trekking to the peak of Mount Everest we can say that
reaching the helm of the peak is like the responsibilities of present
generation for the sustenance of future generation. But the trekking route to
the peak hasn’t been described by the writer. There may be two aspects; either
a discovery of trekking route or a fatal scenario may be derived during
discovery of route. Similarly to understand the uttered responsibilities of the
present generation, reader needs some self imagination, innovations,
inventions, discoveries etc. Although it has pros and cons effect also.
Positive side is that it increases the thinking power of a reader and the
negative effect is that it can decrease the interest of a reader.
In my opinion I have highlighted the pros and
cons of the book ‘PORIBESH O NITIBIDYA’. Here we can see the respected writer
said that our society is followed by some rules and regulations and environment
ethics is correlated with it. Although at the beginning it is said to follow
some rules and regulations but at the end there has been a chaotic figure
regarding rules and regulations. So my point is that there should be
consistency, only then people will take it as a nature of our society and the
same will be coped up with time and situation for making a systematic and
disciplined society.
This book is very well composed but some
lyrics didn’t come out with a melodious tune. The book teaches about the ethics
of environment. I am of the view and opinion that this book is a guide to the
future of environment and different facets of environment. The book has
emphasized on the sustenance of civilisation in future era to come and the
responsibilities of modern generation towards the conservation of future
I give the book 4 stars out of 5 stars as I
think it’s important for to correlate ethics with environment.