☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.




-       Ram Krishna Singh (India)


Sex-torn women

half-live with murdered desires

weaving dreams of flesh

in Deothang their fingers lean

on looms with newer tales



near the railway track

she squats with hands on the knees

and hides her parts

in half-dark the naked truth

transforms nature into nude



the wine of love swells

in my vessel dark shadows

recede human dirt

between sound and silence greets

the joy and bliss of spirit



health horoscope

planetary conspiracy:

rectal bleeding

not healing for months recur

backache with dying libido



island of rubbish

home to cows, mosquitoes

and homeless mothers

speak wordlessly passersby

unzip to ease and move


smallness of the small

no sharing half-chewed betel—

mischievous whisper

in bed fuzzy sensation

of ruddy lips that’s no love

