☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.

Dr Sagar Mal Gupta (Author) Creative Flight Journal


Prof. (Dr) Sagar Mal Gupta was educated at Edinburgh University in the UK and at the University of Hawaii in the US from where he earned his PhD in Linguistics. He has fifty- six years experience of teaching English Literature, ELT and Communication at various colleges and universities in India and abroad. Now he has retired from active teaching and lives at Jaipur spending his time in writing poetry in English, Hindi and Urdu. His poems have been published in IJES(2015), IJELLS (2015), Literaria Linguistica (2016) , Muse India (2016, 2017, 2018, 2021,2022), CafĂ© Dissensus (New York, 2017),   The Ghazal Page (New York, 2017, 2018),  Poetcrit (July 2018  Jan 2019, 2020, 2021 2022, 2023) , The New Ink Review ( Zambia, August 2018), Langlit ( Sept. 2019 ), CLRI(2019, Vol6.3) , Creation and Criticism (August, 2021,2022) Creative Flight (2021,2022, 2023)  , Teesta Review 2021,2022, 2023)  Contemporary Vibes (2021, 2022, 2023), ReMarkings (2022),  Literary Perspectives (2018) and in IACLALS News Letter (2022) . He has been anthologized in ‘ Poems for Leisure, Pleasure and Contemplation’ (Prints:2022)His collection of poems entitled ‘The Crescent Moon’ was  published  in 2018 by Yking Books Jaipur and has received good reviews.  His second collection of poems  entitled ‘The Songs of India and the World’ was  published  in July 2019  by  Prakash Book Depot Bareilly. His third collection of poems ‘Songs of Rajasthan and Other Poems’ came out in 2020 and  was published by Praksh Book Depot Bareilly. His fourth collection of poems ‘Waves of Imagination’ has been published by Yking Books, Jaipur in 2023.