☛ We are inviting submission in the field of literature and literary theory in the form of article, book review, poem, short story, travelogue and interview for our regular April issue (Vol. 6, No. 2). The last date for submission is 31 March, 2025.

I WALK INSIDE A CLOUD - K. Satchidanandan (India)



-         K. Satchidanandan (India)

I walk inside a cloud

like the moon walks at times,

and at times, Michel Jackson.

The valley’s breeze caresses me

like mother does at times and

at times, a banana leaf.

Red flowers glisten on the hilltop

like desire does at times and

at times Ashan(1)


I tread softly;

on the mountains, every stone is a goddess

While wondering if this violet flower

would turn pink if I name it ‘love’,

there appears before me :

a dancing blue waterfall.

‘Leela’(2), she says, ‘ I am the eternal beloved’

‘You are death’, I say, ‘a blue Menaka’.

She disappears into the mist

with a scream; only a light remains.


It is because I write in that dim light that

my poems become fireflies with a

dark present and a bright future.


Now light may be.

That may be the beginning,

the genesis we always insisted

was not this , not this.

The story is yet to begin,

inside the cloud.


I am a Yaksha(3),

you won’t understand my language.

( Translated from Malayalam by the poet )


Notes: (1) Kumaran Ashan, a great metaphysical rebel poet of Kerala’s renaissance (2) Leela, one of Ashan’s famed female protagonists (3) Yaksha is an otherworldly being.

