☛ Creative Flight is going to celebrate Indian Literature in its first special issue (January, 2025), vol. 6, no. 1. The last date of article submission is 31/12/2024.

THE DIPLOMATS OF TODAY - Sreelekha Chatterjee (India)




-         Sreelekha Chatterjee (India)




As the polling starts in parts of the country,

I notice excitement among all the voters.

While purchasing vegetables the greengrocer asks,

“Have you voted?” I nod in affirmation.

He chitchats about his area where

the red flags are being swayed.

We do not go into details,

manifest as if unaffected by the swift

currents of the contemporary waves,

devote our attention sparingly

to the organization of democracy,

avoid comments on our favorite political parties,

or the ones we detest.

While harboring the noblest of thoughts

and minds full of splendid purposes,

we speculate about the weather, curse the rain that never occurred

but damaged the harvest-ready crops.

“This time the regional party will win.” An auto driver says

when I board his vehicle.

I pretend not to hear, draping the robe of an incompetent listener.

He repeats impatiently.

Heedless to his remark, I mouth concerns

about the high fuel and food item prices,

blame the transport system for its slow, irresponsible modes.

At the market, people bring up the topic again.

Devoting entirely to self-culture,

I speak about the doorstep vendor

who hasn’t appeared in days together,

forcing me to venture outside.

On the WhatsApp groups, people post videos of electoral politics

openly stating the pros and cons of choosing the candidates.

The admins delete those messages.

We resort to our confabulation about the flowers

that bloomed in the vernal season.

Always looking for ways to escape fruitful deliberation,

engaging ourselves in the eternal debate without action,

keeping ourselves unoccupied with political,

social, and religious questions.

After all, we are the real diplomats.

