Dr. Basudeb Chakraborti: Basudeb Chakraborti
(b.1948) is the former Professor and Faculty Dean of the University of Kalyani,
West-Bengal, India and the former Founder Professor of English, Sikkim Central
University at Gangtok. After obtaining a Master’s degree in English from the
University of Calcutta, Professor Chakraborti proceeded to Houston, Texas, and
completed the Master’s programme & some Ph.D. Course works in English at
the University of Houston at Clear Lake City in 1981. Coming back to India, he
did his M.Phil, in English from Nagpur University and followed this up with a
postgraduate diploma in English Language Teaching from CIEFL, Hyderabad.
Professor Chakraborti was awarded the degree of PhD in English from the University
of Kalyani in 1995. He published his doctoral thesis in 1997.
The following are his publications:
1. Thomas Hardy’s View of Happiness: A Study of His Major Novels and Short Stories.
2. Indian Partition Fiction in English and English Translation: A Text on
Hindu Muslim Relationship, 2020. Reprinted by Today and Tomorrow’s
Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, 2021
3. Some Problems of Translation: A Study of Tagore’s Red Oleanders: A
Study of Tagore’s Red Oleanders, Reprinted by Today and Tomorrow’s
Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, 2021.
4. A Talent for the Particular: Critical Essays on R.K. Narayan,
Ed. Raymond Jean Frontain & Basudeb Chakraborti. World View, New Delhi,
5. Gender Perspectives: South Asian Writings in English and English
Translation. Ed. Basudeb Chakraborti & A. S. Chandel. Today and
Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.
His doctoral thesis on Thomas Hardy was published in 1997. The thesis has
been reprinted this year in New Delhi based publisher.
Twelve Scholars were awarded Ph.D. under his supervision:
He has published more or less 148 articles in India and abroad.