About the Journal:
Flight is an international half-yearly open access peer-reviewed e-journal in English. The aim
of this journal is to give opportunity to all creative writers to publish their
write ups in form of articles, book reviews, poems, short stories, travelogues
and interviews. In order to maintain quality
based publication, the journal, instead of publishing literary outputs rapidly, follows a strict time frame of minimum gap of six months bringing out only
two issues (April and October) in a year. During these six months, all
submission undergo a strict and rigorous process of blind review where the
identity of contributor is held back from the reviewers. Only after
passing the review process, the submission is eligible for publication and
the contributor is notified about the selection of his or her submission
prior to publication. The journal is intentionally kept open access so that it
may serve as a storehouse of resources to all and sundry at free of cost and
without access barrier. The main motto of this journal is to prefer quality to
quantity and holds this motto all time in future.
About the
Dr. Dipak Giri,
Writer, Editor, from Cooch Behar, a district town within the jurisdiction of
state West Bengal, India, is an acclaimed name in the field of academic and
creative writings. Professionally a Teacher in Government Higher Secondary
School (Katamari High School, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India, PIN- 736157),
Dipak Giri, M.A. (English), M.A. (Education), B. Ed., Ph. D. (English), the editor cum publisher of Creative Flight
journal, is passionately a researcher and has published a vast number of
scholarly articles in both national and international forum. Prior to joining
as a school teacher, he worked in several colleges near his local town Cooch
Behar as a Part Time Lecturer, a Guest Lecturer and a Visiting Lecturer. They
are Cooch Behar College, T. P. M. Mahavidyalaya, Dewanhat College and
Vivekananda College. Now he has been assigned with many academic and research
activities. He is the Peer Reviewer of the International Research Journal of
Applied Linguistics and literary Studies, Continuing Proficiency Development
Institute, Bangkok, Thailand and the editor of the Litinfinite- Scholarly
Bi-Yearly Open Access Journal, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. He is also
working as an Academic Counsellor in Netaji Subhas Open University, Cooch
Behar College Study Centre, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India and an Invitee Faculty (Post Graduation), Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, Cooch Behar College Study Centre, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India. His area of
studies includes Postcolonial Literature, Indian Writing in English, Dalit
Literature, Feminism and Gender Studies. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, an
international journal of repute, published by Sage, U.K. has looked upon his
works as worthy of being included in the Indian section of "The
Bibliography of Commonwealth Literature”. One can visit https://www.dipakgiri.com/ to
know him in detail. Few of his edited books which have earned high acclaim for
him, are given below:
1. Indian
English Drama: Themes and Techniques (ISBN: 978-93-87966-83-3) More
2. Indian
English Novel: Styles and Motives (ISBN: 978-93-83109-82-1) More
3. Postcolonial
English Literature: Theory and Practice
(ISBN: 978-93-87651-98-2) More
4. Indian Women
Novelists in English: Art and Vision (ISBN: 978-93-87966-83-3) More
5. New Woman in
Indian Literature: From Covert to Overt (ISBN: 978-93-87966-74-1) More
6. Homosexuality
in Contemporary Indian Literature: Issues and Challenges (ISBN:
978-93-88963-01-5) More
7. Transgender
in Indian Context: Rights and Activism (ISBN: 978-93-88963-25-1) More
8. Gender and
Marginality in Mahesh Dattani’s Drama: Text and Context (ISBN:
978-93-88963-32-9) More
9. Immigration
and Estrangement in Indian Diaspora Literature: A Critical Study (ISBN:
978-93-88963-43-5) More
10. Woman-Nature Interface: An Ecofeminist Study
(ISBN: 978-93-88963-60-2) More
11. Same Sex Desire in Present India: An Anthology of
Literary Texts and Contexts (ISBN: 978-620-0-23799-6) More
18. From Literary Composition to Cinematic Adaptation : A Study of Cinema through Literature from Indian Perspective (ISBN: 978-93-91146-51-1) More