☛ October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) will be published on 10 November, 2024 (Sunday).

10 non-haikus


10 non-haikus

- Seb Doubinsky (France)



night hangs outside
like a homeless on the corner
hoodie down on its eyes 
waiting for nothing
and having nowhere to go




the tic tic of the mind
the crack crack of the bones
the boom boom of the heart
so low so low so low
and yet




the huge cold night 
the splendidly useless stars
the eyes powerless and watching
the eyes containing more light than the day




you wonder if you exist
but does the leaf that falls
wonder if the tree exists? 



things we show
are seldom seen
as the eye selects
only the visible




quiet quiet quiet
is the night inside the room
only disturbed once in a while
by the quick flash of a dream
and the halted breath of the sleeper




rain and wind in the garden
two birds dart by and land in a tree
I watch from my window
like a ghost watches the living
from the comfort of its death




"I am nothing"
you sometimes say
forgetting that it takes
a body, many dreams, some nightmares,
a home, a city, a region, a land,
a sun, a moon, an infinity of stars
a whole planet, an entire galaxy
for you to utter those words




the leaves rustle

in the warm afternoon

- reading




you wave goodbye

I wave goodbye

the waves wave

the waves always wave