☛ Submission for October, 2024 issue (Vol. 5, No. 2) is going on. The last date for submission is 30 September, 2024.

Ever Wandering Moon


Ever Wandering Moon

            - Naimuddin Ansary (India)

Oh Moon! never moan upon the skies,

As thou are ever present in mine eyes.

So many stars sparkle there with delight,

But l never get mesmerized in their light.

When l first saw thy matchless beauty,

Never hath l since then failed mine duty.

Oh Moon!the queen of night thou are,

Dwell amidst the darkness,light and far.

Thou art wanderest in thy weary path,

only to find thyself amidst joy and mirth.

Oh Moon!,never boast of thy artless art,

Thou doth change thy shape and the part.

Thou float upon the skies only at night,

But thou wanderest ever in my fancy's flight.